Broken Rock Colorado "Denver"
Denver has lived with us since she was 8 weeks old. She has always been our shadow, always near, always happy with attention. She is a real goofbal, silly and always good for some funny entertainment.
Denver has been an office dog for several years and is with us on most trips, activities and vacations. Denver guards the house and property very well.
She loves activities, in any form possible. Fetching, swimming, nosework, mouse hunting, long walks, showing, helping with the dishes, name it....she loves it.
She does not love strangers right away though, can be a bit reserved. But after the first initial contact she will behave as your best friend and remember you always thereafter.
She is very affectionate, loves cuddles. Absolutely enjoys laying on the couch with us and preferes relaxing on her back. Very relaxed whenever we are, "follows the flow", and ready for action in an instant.