Litter born 29th october 2023

Choowo-Liz Zane "Blixten"         X          Broken Rock Colorado  "Denver"

3 girls & 2 boys!

Blue Merle (tan) - girl

Black tri - girl

Brown (tan) - boy

Black - boy

Blue Merle (tan) - girl

Daily Pupdates on the Wynjas Facebook page.

Every person is unique.....and so is every pup!

Every pup looks cute! It is important for the pup and you that we make the right match, that you thrive with eachother, a dog-life long. :-)

Nobody and no dog is the same. Not in looks and not in behaviour. That is why it's important for us to match you with the puppy for life. 

Like us they have their own personality, temperament, needs, eagerness to learn and to please. Thrive in their own roll in the pack, in the family.

We have to know you better as a possible owner, what the puppy gets for family/life/activities etc to make the best possible combination.

At Wynjas they will be raised in the house, get visits and get used to many different sounds. We have a puppyplayland, to experience all kinds of materials, playfully training their physics, be challenged to learn and develop their body and brains in the best possible way. The playland will be weekly adjusted to the puppies age and size.

They will be socialized, when ready, during the last weeks outside the door in the big world. Like riding the car, visiting a store, beach, forest, office. They will be introduced to our other dogs and our cat, when they are ready for that.

There will be daily updates in a special facebookgroup with many films and pictures.

After they have left us and start living at their new foreverhomes we stay in contact. It is important to us to follow up the puppies later in life. And it is also just very nice to hear how they are doing!! And off course are we allways here for questions and puppytalk.

We hope this explains why we need to know more about you. We invite you to fill out the form below if you are interested in a puppy from Wynjas.

Every pup/dog and every human being/family is unique. We strive after making the best match between pup and new owner.

There for we need to know more about you, your family, your expectations .

Are you interested in one of our (future) pups? Please fill out the form. Thank you so much!

Female - tik
Male - hane
No preference
Other - annat